The Newt In Somerset
The Newt in Somerset is a working country estate with a Georgian family home called Hadspen House. The house is now a luxury hotel and spa.
There's lots to do and see on the estate with acres of farmland, woodland, gardens and orchards. There are farm shops, restaurants, The Story of Gardening experience and the Cyder Cellar to explore.
Address: The Newt In Somerset, Bruton, Somerset, BA7 7NG
Membership and Garden Enquiries (Every day, 8am–5pm)
Telephone: 01963 577750
Email: Send email
Hotel and Restaurant Reservations (Every day, 8am–6pm)
Telephone: 01963 577777
Email: Send email
Website: The Newt in Somerset
Directions from A303: Leave the A303 at Wincanton and follow the A371 to the junction with the A359 where you turn right. Turn right on Green Lane.
Admission times: See website for details.
Admission charge: See website for details.
Parking: Yes
Toilets: Yes
Refreshments: Yes
Accomodation: Yes
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